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Red big cashmere long scarf, why will the price increase this year? ——Yetimei

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掃一掃!Red big cashmere long scarf, why will the price increase this year? ——Yetimei掃一掃!
瀏覽:- 發(fā)布日期:2022-06-03 16:45:02【

I dont know how the other friends are doing. Now the weather in Zhejiang is cold and hot. All the colleagues and friends around me have put on scarves to keep warm, and some customers will choose to consult us to wholesale some red large cashmere long scarves. , I want to sell it in winter!

Looking at it now, due to the impact of the new crown epidemic, the area of Inner Mongolia is currently in a closed state, and because of the countrys power curtailment policy, the current manufacturing industry may not be as smooth as it used to be. For example, we are in Shaoxing, Zhejiang. The introduction of the power restriction policy has some minor effects on our shipments, but we are also constantly adjusting! Committed to punctual delivery and no missed delivery! Then we say that the big red cashmere scarf is more popular in winter. And according to weather speculation, this winter may be colder than last year, so the big red cashmere scarf should be better in this winter. selling!

However, I would like to remind everyone here that the price of this year's cashmere scarf may be equivalent to or higher than last year's price. Why do you say that? Because of the introduction of the electricity curtailment policy we mentioned earlier and the impact of the new crown epidemic, the raw materials of cashmere have risen, and the price is higher than last year. Therefore, the overall price of cashmere scarves this year will also increase! So how will the price of this red big cashmere long scarf rise in the later period, then we also have to look at the current changes!

Red big cashmere long scarf, if you want to know other inquiries, you can comment and leave us a message!
